
Top 5 Child-Friendly Autumn Activities in Nottingham

Top 5 Child-Friendly Autumn Activities in Nottingham

Autumn is absolutely my favourite time of year. I’m definitely not a fan of the intense heat of summer, so the cooler air in autumn is a distinct relief. I love walking in Wollaton Park and watching the changing leaves as they display a stunning palette of reds,...

Navigating Parenthood: A Guide for New Parents on Practical Matters

Navigating Parenthood: A Guide for New Parents on Practical Matters

Congratulations on the arrival of your little bundle of joy! As new parents, the excitement and joy of bringing your baby home can be overwhelming. I know that for me, the realisation that for a significant time to come, it would take a huge amount of planning and...

The Most Commonly Asked Breastfeeding Questions

The Most Commonly Asked Breastfeeding Questions

August is National Breastfeeding Awareness month, so here is a comprehensive blog article featuring 12 of the most commonly asked questions about breastfeeding. So whether you're curious about establishing a good latch, or how to build a good supply, or just want some...

Health Focus: Group B Strep in Pregnancy

Health Focus: Group B Strep in Pregnancy

What is group B Strep? Group B Streptococcus (GBS, group B Strep or Strep B) is a type of bacteria which lives in the intestines, rectum, or vagina of 2 to 4 in every ten women in the UK (20 to 40%). While most women carrying GBS will have no symptoms, there is a...

How To Take Better Holiday Photos With Your Phone’s Camera

How To Take Better Holiday Photos With Your Phone’s Camera

Are you setting off on holiday this summer? If so, I hope you have a fabulous time and manage to capture some beautiful family photos, but even if you’re just popping to the park or having a day at the beach, there is so much you can do to improve the photos you take...

How To Introduce Your New Baby To Your Dog

How To Introduce Your New Baby To Your Dog

As a newborn photographer, a mum of 5 children and a dog owner, I can understand the significance of those precious moments shared between your children and a family pet. Watching my toddler throwing a ball for my dog is wonderful to behold, especially as Barney dog...

Why Does a Professional Photographer Cost So Much?

Why Does a Professional Photographer Cost So Much?

It is no secret that hiring the use of a professional photographer is not a cheap thing to do. Many a time I have been asked why a shoot can’t be cheaper, surely taking photos isn’t that expensive? So I have put together a little outline of what you get for your money...

Incorporating Siblings into Newborn Photo Sessions: Dos and Don’ts

Incorporating Siblings into Newborn Photo Sessions: Dos and Don’ts

I am really passionate about including older children into your newborn’s photo session because the love between siblings is so beautiful. However it does require some forward planning, so here are some dos and don’ts to consider when including siblings in newborn...

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The Most Commonly Asked Breastfeeding Questions

The Most Commonly Asked Breastfeeding Questions

August is National Breastfeeding Awareness month, so here is a comprehensive blog article featuring 12 of the most commonly asked questions about breastfeeding. So whether you're curious about establishing a good latch, or how to build a good supply, or just want some...