The first two weeks of a baby’s life go by in a flash. Before you know it, your sleepy curled-up little one is suddenly bigger, more alert, and making good use of all that room to stretch in. Newborn photography sessions are available for babies up to 6 weeks old, but I strongly recommend you get booked in between 5 and 14 days, as after that they lose their newborn curl and your photos will reflect that.

“Absolutely amazing experience, such a calm environment and Jenny is lovely, I was really pleased with every single photo of my twins…would 100% recommend”
The Collections

Pre-session consultation
3 hour session
Photo viewing either face-to-face or over Zoom
5 high-resolution, fully edited photos, ready to download from an online gallery
Five 8” x 10” photo prints of your chosen digital images
Full use of props and outfits
Family and sibling images included in the session
Option to purchase more digital images and/or wall art

Pre-session consultation
3 hour session
Photo viewing either face-to-face or over Zoom
10 high-resolution, fully edited photos, ready to download from an online gallery
Ten 8” x 10” photo prints of your chosen digital images
Full use of props and outfits
Family and sibling images included in the session
Option to purchase more digital images and/or wall art

Pre-session consultation
3 hour session
Photo viewing either face-to-face or over Zoom
15+ high-resolution fully edited images shown during your viewing, ready to download from an online gallery
10 mounted 8” x 10” prints ready to frame
Full use of props and outfits
Family and sibling images included in the session
Facebook timeline cover photo collage
£100 credit towards any wall art purchase
£25 off sitter session
Perfect for families who do not want a full newborn photo session
Pre-session consultation
1.5 hours session
Baby remains wrapped for the whole session
Includes potato, parent silhouette and use of 2 props
Image viewing via secure online gallery
4 high-resolution, fully edited photos, ready to download from an online gallery
Does not include sibling shots
“I couldn’t be happier with the results. Her skill and patience in capturing those precious moments with my little one were truly remarkable”
During your photo session I aim to create a relaxing and comfortable environment; I am very much baby-led.
Whilst I like to include a mixture of posed beanbag shots, images in props, and finish with family photos, sometimes babies decide that they don’t want to settle into a pose, and when that happens, getting them all snuggly in a wrap often does the job. If your baby needs a feed then that’s my cue to put the kettle on!
All you need to bring with you is your baby, extra milk, your changing bag and your favourite snack to sit back and enjoy while I take care of the rest.
How do I book my newborn session?
For any newborn session, £50 is required at the time of booking to secure the date. This will be deducted from the full cost of the photo shoot, which is due to be paid by the day before the session.
There is an option to purchase additional digital images and/or wall art for every session
When should I book my newborn session?
The ideal time to photograph your newborn is up to 14 days of age. At this age your baby is still very sleepy and flexible, allowing me to safely and comfortably pose them in the beautiful positions that are so popular. The best time to book your session is after your 20 week scan. I will then set a provisional date in my diary, and as soon as you get home with your new baby we can set a day and time.
How should I prepare for the session?
Before your newborn photo session, it is advisable to bathe your baby so they are fresh and clean. Dress them in loose clothing so they do not get sock marks or other clothing marks, and so it is easier to undress them without causing too much disturbance. Please wait until you have arrived at the studio to feed them, then they will settle better with a full tummy. Babies tend to become big snackers when they come to the studio, so may need feeding more often. I would be grateful if you could bring a dummy (pacifier) with you, even if you do not intend to use one the rest of the time, as sometimes a little suck can help to settle them. I recommend parents bring a spare top, as sometimes poop happens when the baby goes without their nappy!
How long will the newborn photo session last?
The average time for a newborn shoot is 3 hours. If your baby is very settled we might get all the pictures in 2 hours; conversely, if your baby is cluster feeding or just having a bad day, it can take 4-5 hours. I usually suggest that if a shoot is going to go on past 4 hours, that we stop there and I book you to come back in a few days’ time to get those last images.
Do you provide props or do I need to bring my own?
I have a large selection of props, outfits and accessories that you are welcome to use during your photo session. If you have a special item at home that means something to you, such as a blanket or a soft toy, please bring it and I will try to incorporate it into some of the photos.
Can I bring my older children?
I feel very strongly that older children should be included in some of the photos, as this is a very special time for them too. I do sibling photos towards the end of the shoot, so to avoid them from getting bored, I recommend that they are brought along later into the photo session. I am very lucky to live across the road from the beautiful Wollaton Deer Park, and many a time, dads have taken older children over to explore until we are ready for them.